
Our Regular Acupuncture Treatment last at least 50mins and we also offer Cosmetic Acupuncture in our clinic.

Registered Massage Therapy-RMT

Massage Therapy Treatment served by RMT


Traditional Acupressure Massage Therapy (Non-Register Massage)

Acupressure Massage (Traditional TuiNa); Lymphatic Drainage Massage


雷医师出⽣于中医世家,⾃幼跟随祖⽗学习中医之道,后毕业于北京中医药⼤学针推专业,积累了⾮常丰 富的临床经验。雷医师坚守中医的核⼼理念,注重整体观念,坚持辩证施治,以仁⼼施术。结合多年的临 床经验,擅⻓推拿调理、以及经络疏通,对亚健康、失眠、颈肩腰腿痛等健康问题有着独到的⻅解和 治疗⽅法

雷医师出⽣于中医世家,⾃幼跟随祖⽗学习中医之道,后毕业于北京中医药⼤学针推专业,积累了⾮常丰 富的临床经验。雷医师坚守中医的核⼼理念,注重整体观念,坚持辩证施治,以仁⼼施术。结合多年的临 床经验... Read More

Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into applying TCM theories to clinical practice. Many diseases and chronic pains can be cured with her unique painless acupuncture treatment and advice on the usage of herbs. She is also good at helping people who have sub-health issues to enhance their immunity and bring them back to be healthy, fit and energetic again. We recommend you to try her amazing weight loss and cosmetic acupuncture treatments.

We proudly to have Julie here helping patients with the following symptoms:

High and low blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke; Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting, post-operative convalescence; Morning sickness, inducing labor, fertility problems; Substance, tobacco and alcohol dependence; Tourette syndrome, Parkinson’s disease; Some gastric conditions, including peptic ulcer, painful periods, dysentery, allergic rhinitis; Relieve pain such as headaches, migraines, facial pain, neck pain (stiff neck), rheumatoid arthritis, tennis elbow, sprains, back pain, spine pain, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis.

饶艳桃(注册高级中医师、针灸师): 湖北中医药大学毕业,加拿大 BC省注册高级中医师、药剂师、针灸师。从业30余年并具备15年以上本地医疗经验。应用独特创新的无痛针灸技术治愈多例儿科、妇科、内科、外科疑难杂症,并为亚健康人士提供调养身体、能量支持,增强人体免疫力;儿童益智长高;妇科体质改善、月经调理、助孕,抗衰老;以及针灸减肥、美容;跌打损伤,扭伤,急性、慢性痛症,术后、伤后康复等服务。治愈无数疑难杂症患者如:小儿食欲障碍,老年痴呆,肥胖症,白癜风等而誉满大温地区,特别是独特的针法能够解除癌症病人的放化疗期间的各种不适和副作用,增加病人优质红细胞,抵抗癌症病人白细胞水平降低,为癌症病人的治疗和康复提供保障,不少病患慕名来,顽疾得以根治康复而归。

常规门诊治疗:内、外、妇、儿、男皮肤眼耳嘴鼻喉手脚病;残疾;儿童长高,提高智力生长发育;抗衰老老除皱生发; 睡眠障碍,各种痛证及妇科杂症,慢性病康复等。

Dr. Julie Rao has been engaged in TCM clinical medicine for years. She has been diving into apply... Read More

谢建平医生,出身中医世家,自幼跟随父亲学习中医,掌握《汤头》、 《药性赋》、《医综金鉴》等经典中医著作。毕业于内蒙古医学院中医专 业,掌握了扎实的中医和现代医学知识。毕业后,曾在内蒙古中医院工 作多年,专注于内科、妇科、儿科、外科及耳鼻喉科疾病的治疗,尤其 擅长耳鼻喉科疾病的中医治疗。在任职期间,谢医生研制出“鼻炎丸1号” 和“鼻炎丸2号”,专治过敏性鼻炎、萎缩性鼻炎、鼻窦炎,广受患者好 评。1983年晋升为副主任医师,1998年晋升为主任医师,并成为内蒙古 医学院教授。谢医生于2024年始在温哥华本地行医,积累了丰富的治愈 案例,广受患者信赖和好评。 擅长领域: ●耳鼻喉科:特别擅长治疗各种鼻炎、急性咽炎、喉炎、扁桃体脓肿、 化脓性中耳炎、突发性耳聋等。 ●中医全科:涵盖内科、妇科、儿科、外科等疾病的中医诊治。 ●治疗疑难杂症:包括久咳不愈、哮喘、湿疹、肠胃疾病、糖尿病、风 湿、中风后遗症、冠心病、男女不孕症、痔疮、前列腺肥大、癫痫、精神分裂症等。 Dr. Xie Jianping, born into a TCM family, has been immersed in TCM since childhood, mastering classical texts like Tangtou, Herbal Characteristics, and Medical Compendium. He graduated from Inner Mongolia Medical College with a strong foundation in both TCM and modern medicine. Dr. Xie worked for many years at the Inner Mongolia Hospital, specializing in internal medicine, gynecology, pediatrics, surgery, and especially otolaryngology (ENT). During his career, Dr. Xie developed the proprietary “Rhinitis Pills No.1” and “Rhinitis Pills No.2” to treat allergic rhinitis, atrophic rhinitis, and sinusitis, earning high praise from patients. He was promoted to Associate Chief Physician in 1983 and Chief Physician in 1998, also becoming a professor at Inner Mongolia Medical College. Since immigrating to Canada in 2004, Dr. Xie has continued his practice in Vancouver, with numerous successful cases in the local community.

谢建平医生,出身中医世家,自幼跟随父亲学习中医,掌握《汤头》、 《药性赋》、《医综金鉴》等经典中医著作。毕业于内蒙古医学院中医专 业,掌握了扎实的中医和现代医学知识。毕业后,曾在内蒙古中医院工 ... Read More

Vincent graduated from the RMT program of West Coast College of Massage Therapy. Before taking the program, Vincent had studied Acupuncture and Acupressure from Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine University, which gives him a strong sense in integrating the therapeutic massage techniques with TCM(Meridian&Qi) theories. He will focus on restoring both structural and physiological equilibrium for the clients.

Vincent believes in building treatment plans based on a methodical holistic approach. He has several years experience in treating sports related injuries, headaches, myofascial and muscular pain, postural imbalance, frozen shoulder and neurological conditions. He can incorporate techniques in treatments such as Deep tissue massage, Myofascial release, Trigger point release, Joint mobilization and Muscle energy techniques. He also provides home care exercises to encourage the clients to get better performance in their daily living.

Vincent speaks: English, Cantonese and Mandarin.

Vincent 已经完成西岸按摩疗法学院的注册按摩师课程,并成为一名持牌按摩师(RMT)。此前,Vincent曾就读于广州中医药大学,并获得了中医本科学士学位。这段经历使Vincent对解剖学和生理学有了更深刻的理解,使他有能力将中医理论与西方按摩治疗在实践中结合,将针灸学位、中式指压推拿等久经实践的中医方法运用到按摩中,从而达到更好的治疗效果。

Vincent善于从客人的实际情况出发,建立整体全面的治疗计划,从而完成达到预期康复目标。在多年的实践与学习当中,Vincent积累了多种治疗经验,他可以应用例如:深层组织按摩、肌筋膜释放、触发点释放、关节运动学和肌肉能量技术等方法,熟练治愈如:运动伤害、头疼、筋膜和肌肉疼痛,姿势失衡,肩周炎、神经系统等多种痛症。 他还能为客人提供家庭康复护理方面得建议并制定有效得锻炼方案,帮助客人在日常生活中更好的实践,从源头解决痛症困扰。(提供:英文、普通话、粤语服务)

Vincent graduated from the RMT program of West Coast College of Massage Therapy. Before taking th... Read More

Dr. John Yang is a registered Doctor of TCM in BC. He earned his Ph.D. in TCM from the Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine, China. From 2003 to 2014 he was the Dean and Clinic Director at the PCU College of Holistic Medicine. As an expert in the field, Dr. Yang has given many national and international presentations and lectures on TCM. He is the President of the Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine Colleges of Canada. Dr. Yang currently works at the Kwantlen Polytechnic University of British Columbia, which is the first public university offering TCM-Acupuncture program. He is the program developer and department head.

Dr. John Yang has over 30 years of practice TCM-Acupuncture experiences. Taking pulse is his basic diagnosis technique to guide acupuncture and herbal medicine treatments.

杨光芳(注册高级中医师,教授) 加拿大 BC省注册高级中医师、针灸师,广州中医大学医学博士,2003年至2014年任PCU中医学院院长兼该校属医院主任医师,现任昆特兰理工大学中医系主任。二十多年来,杨医生坚持每年在海内外各大中医学院学访交流,广泛授业解惑。杨医生具有三十年本地中医针灸经验,擅长治疗各种痛症、慢性疾病、妇科疾病以及各种情绪障碍。

Dr. John Yang is a registered Doctor of TCM in BC. He earned his Ph.D. in TCM from the Guangzhou ... Read More

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Located at: 103-1277 Marine Drive, North Vancouver
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